Environmental policy

Allister Malcolm Glass Limited is committed to managing  our environmental impact as glass manufacturers in a responsible way.

Our mission objectives

To continually improve our environmental impact performance
To effectively manage environmental impacts
To comply with environmental legislation
To monitor our progress
To communicate our aims and objectives to all staff, customers and visitors
To maintain a long life cycle for all our products
To recycle
To reduce waste by remelting coloured glass
To use packaging sourced from recycled means and/or is recyclable

To limit the use of single use plastics
To be as efficient as is possible when it comes to our consumption of energy.

How do we do this?

We are fully committed to moving away from fossil fuels and becoming the first all electric glass studio in the country. We continually assess our production methods to see if there are any ways in which we can reduce our effect on the environment. We have significantly reduced CO2 emissions by switching to an electric furnace, refining our melt cycle with a new glass and using an electric annealing oven. We are currently saving 12 tonnes of carbon emissions per year with our latest changes. We also minimise waste through recycling our own clear glass and we also save coloured offcuts to recycle as much as possible to reduce our impact on landfill. Plans are afoot to instal a solar panel scheme to the roof of the museum that will harness the power of the sun to supply electricity to the studio and museum

We gather waste packaging from local companies and reuse this as loose fill where we can. When we purchase packaging we ensure that they are from environmentally friendly suppliers.
We minimise our use of water where possible
We make sure our manufacturing techniques minimise noise disturbance to neighbours
We aim to help phase out CFC depleting substances and monitor how we can embrace changes in the industry.
We aim to make pieces that last for hundreds of years becoming the antiques of the future – with the lengthiest product cycle possible. Roman examples still exist and so our creations may be around for 100s of year too.
We will review our policy annually.

Our Environmental Policy Officer is Terri Malcolm
Contactable through our contact submission form

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